About Me
- Amber
- The Apple State, United States
- Visit me at ambermcleod.com where I display my wares...
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My Latest Love
Lucky for him, my latest love resembles a website. A little fancy schmancy URL I like to call http://www.everythingoutlet.com/ -- The EVERYTHING outlet.
Really there could be no greater name for a store. The Everything outlet. Well, it leads one to believe that it has...everything. Misleading at worst.
The Everything Outlet has great prices on popular software. I'm a graphics geek, and I feel like I'm taking the road less traveled with my choice of the Corel Suite to make my digital beauties, but old habits die hard. And I'm way okay with "not the latest version" -- so I hop-skip-jump over there to buy Corel Graphics Suite 12 and I'm the happiest gal on planet Earth! Really...$59.95?? CRAZY affordable!
The shipping was fast and reasonable, especially when you take into consideration their rock-bottom prices. They offer software and some hardware. If you're in the market, definitely check them out before shelling out your hard earned cash at Best Buy (sorry, I like Best Buy, but they don't pay my bills...or not pay them!)
You can catch a nice break on software if it's listed as OEM (meaning its software only, no manuals) but if you've ever installed a program and used it, then you know you can locate manuals online somewhere.
You're welcome.
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