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Friday, July 20, 2007

What is the HTML for linking to my site?

This is a super simple quick lesson. For those of us who are familiar with HTML, it's easy to forget how difficult this little code used to be!
If you want to link to your site using a TEXT LINK, here's the code:

And if you ant to link to your site using a BANNER or other IMAGE (must end in .jpg, .gif, .jpeg or .png), here's the code:

Note the color coding. The blue parts are referred to as TAGS. The green are quotes - I made them green so you won't forget them! If you do forget them, none of this will work. If none of it works, check to see if you forget them!

The red tex is that part that you change.

There are other little tidbits you could add in there, like a title...but that's another lesson. :)

As always, I highly recommend learning HTML at
W3 Schools.

OH, if you think it was mean that I posted these as images, well, everytime I tried to post code it got goofy on me and I wasn't up for the task of finding out why. :) And it's good for you to type it yourself.