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How do I check reciprocal links?
rec·ip·ro·cal link, noun
When your link is placed on the websites of the links that are placed on your website.
A reciprocal link is a fancy way of saying "I'll show everyone yours if you show everyone mine." Links, that is.
Well, I happen to have a gazillion links on my websites. Do I really want to go and click each one of them just to make sure that they're returning the favor? Isn't there a better way??
Yes. Not as time consuming as the option above, but considerably less tedious.
This is how I do it. I'm open to better ways, but I'd hate for my method to die with me when I go.
How Amber Checks Reciprocal Links 1.0
Download LinkAdage
- 'Tis free. I wouldn't have it ANY other way! This is a Reciprocal Link Checker. Slick, eh?
It's pretty easy to use. Basically where it says "Find links to this website" you type YOUR website (without the http://www/.) - so, "example.com" - that makes it a little more thorough as there are people who drop the www for some reason beyond my grasp.
Where it says "Check these sites for links" - that's where you type the names of the sites that should have your link on them. Keyword: should.
I know what you're thinking. "I, too, have a bazillion links to check. I'm supposed to type ALL of them in??"
Well, yes and no. If you have one page with tons of links on it, you can use a Link Extractor. Did you even know there WAS such a thing? Yes indeedy. Here's my favorite:
Just type in the page where links are displayed on YOUR webpage and it'll extract them and will look a little sumpin' like this:
..but your page may be muuuuuch longer. If it's short, just do the old cut & paste. If it's long, then paste all of the URLs into a text file, then use he "Automation" function on LinkAdage to import the list. Easy as Kool-Aid. (Pie is not easy.)
Once you have your list locked &loaded, click "Start". The program will run down the list - it may take awhile so go have a glass of milk or something - maybe some pancakes. With peanut butter & maple syrup....I digress.
In the list you'll see who does and doesn't link back. If you're seeing a whole lotta red text, meaning your link wasn't found, I'd recommend checking those sites manually just to be sure before you send a nastygram. Some link programs are run dynamically and...blah blah blah...spare you the techie jargon...this program can't see them.
That's it. Not super easy, but relatively doable if you have your mind set to it. Yeah? Now, GO CHECK THOSE LINKS!!
Fabulous info Amber! Thanks for all the resources too! I'm off to check my links ;)
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