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Friday, September 7, 2007

Get those brains ready for school!

4fabmoms blog is having a "Back to School Tips" blog event - great idea! What mom doesn't' need back to school tips? Admittedly, I'm quite new at the school thing. My oldest just trotted off to Kindergarten last Wednesday and is loving it!

My kid is really smart - yes, I'm biased. The jury is still out on the other two kids - but my oldest is brainy. Extremely uncoordinated - can trip over her own shadow - but book smart. She can sound out words, do math problems, etc. etc. I don't attribute her brains solely to genetics (trust me on that one!). Her brain has had a lot of exercise - read on...

So, what's this have to do with Back to School Tips? Well, my daughter's mom is a cybermom. That's a nice way of saying nerd. My kids have their own computer connected to high speed internet. Their homepage is a page that I threw together that has links to all sorts of computer games online. Let's face it, the internet is a part of our lives and it will be a part of our children's lives even more so. No sense fighting it! We must tip our hats and conform!

My tip is to let your kids play games on the internet. It keeps their minds sharp, 90% of these games teach problem solving, many of them teach reading, like Starfall.com. There are even "keyboard bangers" for toddlers on sites like Fisher-Price.com. My almost-3yo son sits at the computer and navigates straight to his favorite games - doesn't need a bit of help (he's been "conditioned"!). And his favorite, by the way, is Wow Wow Wubzy's Widget's Build a Robot Game.

I am not at all opposed to kids playing online. Just be smart about it! My oldest is learning how to type a word + "dot.com" to see where it goes...and anyone knows where that could land!! So it is time for strict parental controls on the browser - and I'll be digging for a good program soon, but in the meantime you all are welcome to use my kids' home page as your own to explore what will be part of their new, big world!

If you have a site that would fit in to our game directory, please let me know! I'm always adding new ones!

Oh...and a side benefit of this - your kids will totally stay out of your hair playing these games. They learn. You get quiet time. It's like electronic Calgon.



Betsy said...

Amber, thanks so much for participating in the Smart Moms Back To School Tip contest.

I really enjoyed your post and I am going to look your suggested links for my 2.5 year old. She is always trying to get on my computer and perhaps I can get more quiet time if she was "working" as well!

Thanks again for your tip!!!

Unknown said...

What a great idea to have their own home page- that should help with the internet roaming... until they get old enough to figure out the .com trick. Throw in some educational sites(the teacher in me) and they just may do it! I am going to check out the keyboard banger site!

Suzanne A. Wells said...

Hey Amber - I followed you here from Smart Moms! Thanks for the help the other day with my adware problem!

Oh, and I need to come join YOUR forum~


Unknown said...

What forum? I want the link!

I have listed you children's online site for my readers. Thanks for sharing.

Kim said...

Congrats Amber!!! You are the winner of the Smart Mom's back to school tips contest. Thanks for participating. Please email kfliving atyahoodotcom and let me know what gift certificate you'd like along with your mailing address!

Sincerely, Kim