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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Death to Comic Sans!!

I can't stand the font Comic Sans. If I see a business website done in Comic Sans I cringe. CRINGE! Ack! Blah!

Well, on a whim I type "I hate comic sans" in my Google Toolbar...and it looks like I'm not the only one! Here ya go: ban comic sans :: Putting the Sans in Comic Sans

Let me quickly mention too - when you use a "fancy" font on your website, it only shows up as that fancy font to people who also have that font installed on their computer. So, if you think the Disney fonts are cool and you make a text header on your site using them....then old Joe Blow pulls up your site, all he'll see is Arial or Times...or my all-time favorite, Verdana. So, if you must have something in that fancy font, save it as an image...but don't go saving your whole site as an image or the search engines can't "see" it.

Anyway...don't like Comic Sans. Please don't use it on your website. It's cute for kids' chore charts & stuff, but belongs nowhere on the internet!


Anonymous said...

If you hate Comic Sans then you will also hate this one - Google if it was designed in Comic Sans - http://allgraphicdesign.com/graphicsblog/2007/11/26/google-if-it-was-designed-with-comic-sans-spoof-parody-funny-joke/
