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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Mozy Gets the Score!

Offsite Online Backup that Supports External Hard Drives

Telling it like it is really. Short post. Carbonite doesn't support external hard drives. Mozy does. Google for Mozy promo codes and get 20% off of a one year subscription. ($45ish total).

With all the hype about Carbonite, and all of the celebrity (paid) endorsements you'd think they'd be top of the game...but no go. So Mozy has my business.


Mozy Promotional Code said...

That is one of the reasons I choose Mozy over Carbonite. Not to mention the fact that Mozy will send me a DVD/HDD restore if I need to restore all of my files at once. Carbonite only offers a web restore. Try downloading 150GB of data over the web, not likely.

As for Mozy Promotional Codes. I'll save people some time, just come and visit Mozy Promotional Code and get all the latest and great promo code.