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- Amber
- The Apple State, United States
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Get Your Movies for Nothin', and Your Books for Free!
Oookay, you might notice the banners slathered all over my screen here. I just simply adore these three sites:
- Paperback Swap -Nope, not just paperbacks. You can list the books you no longer need on this site. When a member wants one of your books, you send it to them. When they receive your book, you receive a point. You can then use that point to request a book from another member. The cost to you is shipping! True, some books cost more to send...but it's cheaper than buying a new book any day!
- Swap-a-CD - Okay, same premise as the book swap, but with CDs. I have picked up some CDs for my kids -- you know how kids ruin things? This is such a great way to get kids' music! There is a small fee to required for each swap (49¢), plus 1 point. But again, cheaper than buying a new disk that will most likely land in the toilet or toaster at some point!
- Swap-a-DVD -Again...the same premise as the above but the swaps don't cost any cash. Some DVDs will cost 1 point, some will cost 2. One DVD point is equal to two book or CD points...
...bringing me to my next "point" (hee hee)...the points are transferable!! So, say you have a gazillion books to post, but really not many DVDs. No problem! Post them, send them, and transfer your points to the DVD site.
One thing I've noticed is that the CD site is slow. I have a ton of CDs posted and only have had one requested. Okay, probably because my music is lame. Yeah...I'm actually sure that's the problem. BUT I've had nearly all of the books I posted sent out, and I've gotten some DVDs that, again, replenished the kids' movies that they have destroyed.
I highly recommend these services. The people are friendly, the swaps have all been a breeze, and it's just a total win-win situation.
Technology at it simplest doesn't get any better than this!
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